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Showing posts from June, 2015

5 Cara Memotivasi Diri Dalam Belajar Bahasa Inggris

5 Cara Memotivasi Diri Dalam Belajar Bahasa Inggris         Bosan merupakan sifat manusia dalam melakukan suatu aktifitas. Apalagi aktifitas tersebut dilakukan secara berulang – ulang. Bosan dalam bekerja, menulis, ngeblog, bahkan bosan dalam belajar bahasa inggris. Olehnya itu, motivasi harus selalu ada dalam setiap belajar. Berikut, 5 cara agar kita tetap termotivasi dalam belajar bahasa inggris! 1.    Tujuan belajar bahasa inggris Yang pertama adalah bertanya kepada diri kita, mengapa kita belajar bahasa inggris. Apakah hanya iseng – iseng, ngikut teman belajar bahasa inggris karena tidak ingin dikatakan jadul, sebab tidak bisa ngomong inggris, atau sebab – sebab yang lain? Dengan begitu kita akan selalu termotivasi belajar, karena tujuan kita jelas dan tepat. 2.    Bergabung di komunitas bahasa inggris Komunitas merupakan tempat berkumpulnya orang – orang yang belajar atau memiliki kesukaan yang sama. Cara agar kita selalu termotivasi adalah dengan selalu ha

Alina in Hospital

Alina in Hospital by Zdenek Rotrekl It summer holiday. Alina is at her grandmother’s. She likes it there. Her grandmother has got chickens and rabbits. Aline gives them food every day. Her grandmother has got chickens and rabbits. Alina doesn’t like only one thing about her grandmother. She has to pray every day. The prayers seem very long to Alina.One hot afternoon someone knocks on the door. Alina opens the door. There stands a young man. He is wearing old and dirty clothes. He looks like a homeless person. „Please, could you give me a glass of water,“ the man asks. „Granny, there is a man and he wants a glass of water,“ Alina shouts. She is afraid. She doesn’t like the man. Grandmother comes to the door. „Hello, please come in.“ Alina is not happy. She doesn’t want the man in their house. He looks poor. Can I give you a glass of milk and bread with butter? „Please, sit down. Can I give you a glass of milk and bread with butter?“ „Yes, please. Thank

Fire on the Mountain chapter 4

Sugeng Finds a New Home ‘I’ve got you!’ the man said. He held Sugeng with one hand. He started to hit him with the other. By this time there was a policeman in front of the market. He came because of the noise. He saw Sugeng and the man. ‘What’s happening here?’ he said. ‘This boy tried to take the mirror from my car. Look. He has a screwdriver.’ ‘Come with me,’ said the policeman. Sugeng was too afraid to say anything. The policeman took Sugeng to the police station. The man came with them. At the police station, the man told his story and then he went away. The policeman asked Sugeng some questions. ‘What’s your name? Where did you get this screwdriver? Where do you come from?’ Sugeng was afraid. He could not speak. Do you come from this town?’ the policeman asked. ‘No,’ said Sugeng. ‘What’s the name of your village?’ Sugeng told him. The policeman thought for a few minutes. ‘Come with me,’ he said. He was all alone He took Sugeng to a small room and he left

Fire on the Mountain – chapter 3

Sugeng Makes some Friends The next day Edy gave him his first job. He went with Kardi to eating places. Kardi was his friend now. They cleaned people’s shoes. They had to give half of the money to Edy. They kept the rest for themselves. Sugeng was happier, but he wanted to be with his family. After a few days Edy gave him some newspapers to sell. Sugeng worked with Yanto. They tried to sell the newspapers for a lot of money. They could sell the newspapers for fifty rupiahs and they could still have some money for themselves. But they always asked for one hundred rupiahs. Sometimes people gave them a hundred. When this happened Sugeng and Yanto had a big meal. Yanto’s mother and father were dead. He lived in his brother’s house. Sugeng sometimes went there to sleep. On other nights he slept under a bridge. A man walked past. One day when Sugeng was on the street with his newspapers, a man walked past. Sugeng looked at him. ‘That’s my father,’ thought Sugeng. He ran

Fire on the Mountain – chapter 2

Sugeng Goes to Town He woke up when the sun came up. He felt cold and hungry. He looked around him. Not far away there was a house. He looked at the mountain. He could still hear the noise of the mountain and he could see the fire. He could not go back there. It was too dangerous. Sugeng walked to the house. It was quiet. He called, but there was no answer. The door was open. Sugeng looked inside. He could not see anyone. ‘Perhaps the people have run from the fire too,’ he thought. Sugeng had a drink and he took some bananas. He started to walk. The town was not big but it seemed big to Sugeng He came to a town as night fell. This was Sugeng’s first time in a town like this. The town was not big, but it seemed big to Sugeng. At first he did not feel afraid. He liked the many lights and the noise of the town. In some of the shops music played loudly. Along the street people sold many different things, fruit, clothes, cups and glasses, food. When Sugeng saw the food

Fire on the Mountain – Chapter 1

Fire on Mountains by: Paul Nation Chapter 1: Sugeng Loses his Home Indonesia is a beautiful country. It has many islands. It is a hot country. Fire on Mountains -chapter 1 Most people live on the island of Java. Java is a rich island. But too many people live there and life is not easy. His name was Sugeng. `Sugeng’ means ‘happy’ or ‘safe’, but Sugeng’s life was not always happy or safe. There were many people in Sugeng’s family. He had five brothers and four sisters. But one of his sisters died when she was only two months old. One of his brothers died when he fell from a tree. Sugeng’s family lived near a mountain. This was a dangerous place because sometimes fire and rocks came down from the mountain. But the land was good and there was a lot of water. Sugeng was happy on the farm. He had, a lot of work to do, but he liked his work. Because he was small and strong he climbed coconut trees to get the coconuts. He took the cows to the river